Intermed Hospital Chinggis Avenue 41, Khan-Uul District 19, Uildver 17040, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Our mission is to treat and advise patients with endocrine system diseases and disorders. We provide services on an outpatient, inpatient and day care basis.

Our cardiology unit at Intermed Hospital uses the latest technology and equipment to provide high quality services such as calcium score, cardiac coronary CT, cardiac MRI, Holter ECG monitoring, 24 hour BP measurement, treadmill stress tests and echocardiography. Our physicians and staff members are experienced and provide specialized and comprehensive care.

If you or your loved ones experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, chest discomfort, palpitation, headaches, blurred vision, or ankle edema, please refer to our hospital’s cardiology unit.

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